What are the most common types of wastes associated with agriculture?
The different types of agricultural wastes can all be defined as excess materials that mainly come from growing crops and raising farm animals. In Celitron’s next article we will discuss how these leftovers can be categorized, as well as how you can make the best of carcass waste!
Different types of agricultural wastes and associated risks
1. Agricultural waste related to cultivation activities
Growing crops also leads to the presence of weeds and insects. This in turn creates demand for the use of pesticides to protect the yield of the land.
The main problem with this situation is that the use of pesticides is often abused, and the chemicals they contain can still be present in their packaging in a certain measure when they are thrown away. Extra care must be taken if they are disposed of through burial, since any leak in the packaging may affect the environment. This is even worse if they are thrown into ponds or fields, as this type of agricultural waste can contaminate the farmland with their lasting chemicals, and even lead to food poisoning.
Using fertilizer can be a good alternative to maintain the productivity of the land and the health of plants. The good news is that organic fertilizer can be produced from the remains of farm animals with the right equipment!
2. Agricultural waste related to raising farm animals and fish
Animal waste in agriculture mainly consists of the carcasses of livestock, manure, and wastewater that come from the sanitation process of slaughterhouses. Having the right equipment for carcass storage and disposal is essential to avoid bad odors and air pollution. What’s more, untreated animal waste that isn’t disposed of properly can lead to the generation of greenhouse gases, affect the fertility of soil, and pollute water sources. Recycling animal waste into feed is one of the best ways to reduce waste (as well as costs).
Celitron’s agricultural waste disposal systems for different types of farm waste
Now that you are more familiar with agricultural waste types and what risks they may bring if left untreated, you should also know how you can dispose of them effectively. At Celitron, we have developed our own “agri technology” based products that are already very popular with the agricultural industry. We offer cutting-edge solutions for agri sites like slaughterhouses and even insect farms.
How to dispose of agricultural waste like the carcass of farm animals with Celitron’s equipment
Farm animals are one of the most common type of agricultural waste, and you will need to have the right system in place to deal with an issue that every single farm and slaughterhouse must be able to deal with: carcass disposal.
1. ISS AGRI - rendering different types of farm animal carcass waste to use as agricultural feed and fertilizer
Since carcass disposal is something you need to deal with anyway, why not deal with it profitably? Rendering animal waste is not only a particularly effective and safe way to get rid of carcasses, it also enables you to recycle as animal feed or as a 100% organic fertilizer for your soil.
This is made even easier with the use of Celitron’s onsite agricultural waste rendering equipment, the ISS AGRI, which is based on our highly popular Integrated Sterilizer and Shredder technology already present in medical facilities all over the world. It only takes about an hour for the machine to do its work (the complete process is automatic),at the end of which you will be able to collect your recycled and dried end-products in the form of bone, blood, feather, and/or meat meal.
What’s more, the machine comes equipped with its own cleaning system that operates daily and even prevents air pollution and bad odors with the use of a closed system and an odor filter.
The machine can be used for the disposal of small and bigger animal carcasses alike, including beef, swine, poultry, sheep, and even fish. It can treat all parts of carcasses by using high-temperature and high-pressure steam for sterilization, and powerful shredding blades.
2. MOBILE AGRI - disposing of different types of infectious farm animal carcass waste to avoid further losses in agriculture
Animal sickness at any agricultural site can cause a devastating blow to livestock, and unfortunately, if you want to avoid further losses, or risk the disease spreading to humans, you will need to cull the herd.
A safe way to dispose of infectious animal carcasses and control the disease comes in the form of the MOBILE AGRI, which essentially works as an eco-friendlier mobile incinerator. It can sterilize the remains of the animals regardless of the disease (such as the African Swine Flu, the Avian Influenza, or Newcastle’s disease),and eliminates the risks that usually come from handling and transporting away infectious animal waste. Just like the ISS AGRI, it can treat all parts of the animal carcass, and produces no bad odors or harmful emissions.
A relatively new type of agricultural waste: processing the by-products of insect farms
Aside from traditional farm animals, insect farms are also becoming more prominent around the world to provide consumer with an alternate, more sustainable source of protein. Edible insects have excellent nutritional value and an extremely small environmental footprint. Of course, you still need the right equipment to process these protein and fats from the carcass of the insects.
Celitron’s ISS AGRI Facility can handle all kinds of insects including black soldier fly larvae, crickets, cockroaches and more. If you are looking for an effective way to make the most out of your insect farm, this is it!
All things considered, if you want to be able to properly dispose of the different types of agricultural and farm waste, it is clear that you will need the right tools for the job.
Celitron’s onsite and mobile equipment can quickly and effectively deal with farm animal carcasses, including those that carry the risk of spreading a disease to your other animals. Their effectiveness is only made more attractive by providing you with the opportunity to recycle your agricultural waste and use it as either animal feed or soil fertilizer: be sure to check out all of Celitron’s agricultural solutions on our website!