Slaughterhouse rendering: the best way to dispose of carcass waste?
Safe and efficient carcass waste disposal is a major challenge that those working in the agricultural industry must face. Whether you deal with poultry, sheep, swine, or cattle, all livestock can be a potential source of hazardous farm waste, whether they have been affected by a disease or not. However, with many more modern solutions available for carcass disposal, the removal of such waste needn’t only be about respecting regulations: methods like slaughterhouse rendering can also be about recycling and profitability!
In Celitron’s next article, we will discuss the essentials of the animal waste management process, as well as the benefits of rendering slaughterhouse waste with our onsite feed processing machine!
Slaughterhouse rendering is an important part of animal waste management
Finding the right animal waste disposal solution is a necessary step to handle the so-called “mortality management” of farms, slaughterhouses, and the like. Losses can always occur at such facilities because of accidents, diseases, and other reasons. The point of having good slaughterhouse rendering equipment is to anticipate these instances, rather than trying to deal with the disposal of dead carcasses after an animal death occurs.
Not to mention that in most cases, the livestock producer in question is responsible for disposing of animal waste in an environmentally-friendly way within 48 hours of the death of an animal. Abandoning carcasses is not an option, and there’s a reason it’s against the law, as it can lead to spread of diseases, and can even threaten water and air quality. Thankfully, there are many options available to handle carcass disposal, such as controlled burial, composting, incineration, and of course, rendering slaughterhouse waste.
Slaughterhouse rendering = animal waste recycling?
This method of carcass disposal deserves a special mention for many reasons. In the past, the by-products of slaughterhouses were simply regarded as waste and nothing else, and were removed through incineration or other methods.
However, more modern methods like the rendering of slaughterhouse waste not only provides a more sustainable method of treating animal waste, but also allows you to consider factors such as profitability and productivity, by processing and recycling certain parts of carcasses that can serve other purposes, such as being used as quality animal feed.
Rendering facilities usually use steam to sterilize the waste and eliminate risks associated with animal diseases, and use powerful shredder blades and different sub-systems to produce feed that is rich in protein.
Therefore, the clear benefits of rendering slaughterhouse waste compared to other animal waste disposal methods include:
- Cost-efficiency: saving money on carcass disposal costs.
- Recycling: obtaining useful materials instead of completely destroying the waste.
- Profitability: reducing other operating costs with an efficient animal waste disposal solution.
Of course, all carcass disposal methods have disadvantages as well, since the waste still has to get to the rendering facility. Picking up and transporting hazardous farm and slaughterhouse waste to their final disposal place can pose serious biosecurity risks until the remains are rendered sterile.
But what if we told there was a way to do all this onsite?
Rendering slaughterhouse waste with Celitron’s animal feed making machine
So what is Celitron’s answer to carcass disposal? We have developed our onsite own equipment for slaughterhouse rendering: the ISS AGRI Facility.
This Integrated Sterilizer and Shredder machine has been designed to treat all kinds of dead animal carcasses to ensure safe and efficient disposal, such as poultry, cattle, swine, sheep, and even fish, right at slaughterhouses’ production line to save both on storage and transportation.
It also works as a recycling solution to recover animal by-products, proteins and fats, which makes the ISS AGRI a feed processing machine as well: the end-result produced by Celitron’s technology (blood, bone, feather, and meat meal) can be used as dry feed to simplify the day-to-day tasks of those working within the agricultural industry.
Other advantages of using this slaughterhouse rendering machine include:
1. High-quality, sterile by-products
Celitron’s ISS AGRI Facility can produce high-end animal feeds thanks to the immediate processing of animal carcasses: the complete process last less than an hour. Thanks to medical-level sterilization that uses high-pressure and high-temperature steam, this machine can neutralize even heat-resistant bacteria and viruses, and secure the nutritional values of the end-product at the same time.
With sterilization and shredding contained in once closed vessel, and the use of a decanter and dryer, it basically eliminates all risk of cross-contamination in the fat and protein recovery process.
2. Small environmental footprint
This slaughterhouse rendering machine works onsite, and such requires no transportation to outside facilities to sterilize the waste. It also minimizes bad odor by reducing evaporation by 80%! This also means there is almost no chance of harmful bacteria getting into our atmosphere.
Not to mention the ISS AGRI requires no heating, so you’ll be saving a lot of energy: this works both for the environment AND your business!
3. Extremely cost-efficient
One of the greatest benefits of rendering slaughterhouse waste with Celitron’s feed making machine is that it provides businesses with the opportunity to run a much more profitable business. How? By reducing the amount of steam needed to produce the same output.
All carcasses prepped for disposal in the ISS AGRI will be separated to liquid and solids before recovering the end-products, which means less water, and less steam used to sterilize the materials inside the machine’s vessel. Even compared to other similar slaughterhouse rendering solutions that usually need 1.6 tons of steam to treat 1 ton of animal waste, Celitron’s disposal solution can achieve the same result with just 0.3 tons of steam used!
All in all, animal waste management is a process all livestock producers must take into account, but there’s no reason why you can’t profit from the disposal of carcass waste. Celitron’s solution isn’t just a safe and efficient way for onsite animal waste removal: it is one of the best way to recover quality by-products with a cutting edge feed processing machine. Be sure to check out our slaughterhouse rendering machine!